Tuesday, January 29, 2013

7 Diet Secrets of the Stars

 7 Diet Secrets of the Stars , There are seven diet secrets of stars that can tou try to tips how to diet.

1. Develop a Routine You Can Stick To, After welcoming son Noah in September 2012, This Is 40 actress Megan Fox has lost most of her 23 pregnancy pounds. "The key was her pre-baby body," trainer Harley Pasternak tells Us. Having kept up her workouts while pregnant, Fox now says, "I eat what I want."

2. Have the Right Foods on Hand, Having lost a whopping 80 lbs. on Weight Watchers, busy mom Jennifer Hudson rids her cupboards of temptations, like banana pudding. "Why put it in my domain?" says the star, who stocks up on chicken and egg whites instead.

3. Find a Balance, "I do exercise, but I don't diet," says 5-foot-7 Oscar-nominated actress Jennifer Lawrence. Vowing to never starve herself for a part, the Hunger Games star strives to stay trim, not thin. "[I want] to look fit and strong."

4. Indulge - in Moderation, For Private Practice star Kate Walsh, moderation is key. "I try to eat healthy and stay away from processed foods, but I still love potato chips," says 5-foot-9 star, who does Pilates with pro Juliet Kaska and jogs around L.A.'s Silver Lake reservoir to work up a sweat.

5. Try a New Exercise, No wonder she's ripped! Extra cohost Maria Menounos mixes up her sweat sessions to include activities like circuit training, Pilates, yoga and basketball. "I'm active!" she tells Us. "When I can't work out, I walk my dogs."

6. Start Small, "I didn't come up with a revolutionary new diet. I did this 5 pounds at a time," Retired at 35's Marissa Jaret Winokur reasons after having lost 60 pounds in seven months. "It wasn't about dress size. It was about health."

7. Snack Smart, Superfit supermodel mom Heidi Klum, who runs four miles a day, keeps her figure in check by noshing on healthy snacks. Among her favorites? Kale and Kohlrabi, a German cabbage. "I cut that up instead of an apple," Klum says. "I love it!"(usmagazine.com)

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